Pendants / Chandeliers

MOS 01 – Pendants

SKU: - 224P617: White Translucent Ribbon Shade - 224P618: Cream Translucent Ribbon Shade

Size: as show

Material: Iron, Optical glass difuser

Finishing: White Translucent Ribbon Shade / Cream Translucent Ribbon Shade

Power / CCT: 3 x MAX 15W LED A60 E-27

Product description

Lamps in big format, warm light, big balls with circular shape that fill the space and become high decorative elements with high light comfort. Due to its large measures, MOS are specifically indicated to contract market and indoor use. Its structure ends with an opal white glass diffuser that blends and directs bottom light. MOS has been manually manufacted with translucent ribbon.

+84888688040 0888688040